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Doručení do Vánoc garantujeme u zásilek objednaných do neděle 15. 12. 2024.

About us


Each winemaker cultivates their own unique relationship with every year’s delicate vintage. A relationship which expect arduous hours of care throughout each season, and constant regard to each vine which elevates this craft from harvest to a beautiful journey. The taste of each wine does not hide any neglect made or any fault nature may have touched it with. In spite of these struggles, the mastery of wine making lies in guiding each year’s vintage to their optimum character, and letting each taste share all the year’s journey as a delightful experience.


Mr. Václav Trpělka together with Msc. Luboš Oulehla founded the winery, and through their work over time have built it to over 30 hectares. The owners have the conviction that love and respect towards the craft will show itself in the grapes as well as the final product – the wine. The vineyard embraces modern production, with controlled fermentation techniques, and naturally utilize other processes throughout the life of the grape.


The village of Nové Bránice is located 1 km from the wine-growing town of Dolní Kounice which proudly maintains its vineyard heritage since the 12th century. Both the village, and the local monastery Rosa Coeli (The Rose of Heaven) sit in a region of sandy gravel which brings out the unique identity of the renowned Blaufränkisch (blue Frankish, Frankovka). In recent years a great deal of recognition has been given especially to the wine varieties of Sauvignon and Chardonnay.


The final step before bottles leave their mother cellar is to mark them with their label. The design of the Regina Coeli (The Queen of Heaven) label was made by local graphic designer Pavel Brabec from Brno. We trust that its art and style speak to you. We are proud to know that our wonderful wines mirror their worth from their successes in such competitions as Valtice Wine Market, Vinex, Vino-forum, Sauvignon Forum, and many more.


Come to enjoy the taste of genuine wines filled with the joy of the sun!